jeudi 16 mai 2013

Trainspotting — Hold on to your hats and be ready for an off-road ride — 10*/10

Trainspotting is what happens when you chose something different than the rest of society.

The good. The imagery, the metaphors, and the camera work plunge us right into what he's feeling, into his world. Incredible scenario. Extremely well told story. Spot on pace and length, with superb editing. Excellent ending, couldn't imagine better. Silly laughs and perspective from time to time to break the gloominess.

The actors. Ewan McGregor is perfect in this hectic role. The rest of the cast is almost just as good. I'll simply mention Kelly Macdonald that totally caught my attention. Love her.

The bad. The scottish accent is a tough nut to crack. Some of the characters are difficult to understand at time.

The ugly. Some scenes are difficult to watch.

The result. Very entertaining. A stark image that everyone should watch.
