dimanche 4 janvier 2015

Ted — Feels like a television show that morphs into romantic comedy then action-thriller — 7*/10

  • Story: Funny, all the way through. Keeps your attention on. The way the bear evolves and how the world treats him is perfect.
  • Characters: Well built, if simple. The bear is, of course, a genius idea and extremely well implemented.
  • Dialogs: Hilarious, if you like the Seth MacFarlane style. It's a lot of words, crass, simple and very direct.
  • Scenario: Well paced, if a bit of a mash up between styles. Gives you a bit of everything, but mainly comedy. Mostly very juvenile humor. The romantic plot elements are straight out of the Hollywood standard mold, which makes it a bit disappointing.
  • Actors: Not a stretch for Mark Wahlberg or Mila Kunis who can both play much more complex characters. Seth MacFarlane is equal to himself, very funny. Giovanni Ribisi brings out the big loony-bin guns for some very special moments. Kudos to Patrick Stewart, Norah Jones and Tom Skerritt.
  • Photography: Nothing special.
  • Special effects: The bear is very well animated. It might not age well, but I'm sure it won't look too much out of place in the future.
  • Synopsis & informationhttp://www.imdb.com/title/tt1637725/
  • Who is it for? For those in need of some easy entertainment with a bit of everything, who don't mind crass humor, for stoner fans or MacFarlane fans.