mardi 29 septembre 2015

The Intern — Funny light comedy that's easy to watch — 7*/10

  • Scenario: Interesting and novel perspective, but I think his pre-internship life was a bit too perfect, which is often the case with Hollywood stories, and that there's a few lines of dialogs in her romantic life that are too cliché, especially toward the end. That being said, it's a lot of fun. Good acting and many laughs.
  • Known actors: Anne Hathaway, Robert De Niro and Rene Russo.
  • Visual & sound: Very slick, maybe even too much. The decors are unaffordable for any average New York citizen.
  • Synopsis & information
  • Who is it for? Anyone looking for something light and funny that's a bit different than the usual but comfortably close to Hollywood's cookie cutter standards.