- Scenario: It contains so many logical flaws it's astounding. Only the end is logical if overdone. They went for something like LOTR, but messed it up bad. The action is not too bad. The sequence of events is confusing because of the lack of logic sprinkled everywhere. The first chapter was great, entertaining and something to discover with joy. However, the other movies should just have been combined and made into a single good one.
- Known actors: Jennifer Lawrence, Woody Harrelson, Donald Sutherland, Philip Seymour Hoffman, Julianne Moore, Elizabeth Banks, Mahershala Ali, Jeffrey Wright and Stanley Tucci.
- Visual & sound: Well done.
- Synopsis & information: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1951266/
- Who is it for? Those who want to see the end.
I've decided to simply go for a score without any review. Maybe I'll start again doing full reviews someday.