mercredi 19 juillet 2017

Spider-Man: Homecoming — A solid reboot of the franchise — 8*/10

The whole Happy-Stark-Parker thing is a bit annoying. The story is pretty involved with lots of stuff happening, but low-key for a superhero flick, at least we didn't go through the origin once more. Good action and special effects if, again, low-key. Overall, nice feeling to it and solid entertainment, one of the good Spider-Man. Watch out for those scenes during the end credits and after.

At first, I wasn't happy about the choice of actor for Spidey when I found out in the Avengers, but now I think he's great, perfect even. The perfect balance of humble, witty and courageous. Loved the choice of aunt May. Nice change there.

One very bad thing, though: no spider sense at all!

Tom Holland, Michael Keaton, Robert Downey Jr.,

Synopsis & information: