lundi 16 mars 2015

Savages — A drug fuelled action flick fitting the mold — 7*/10

  • Story: It's a twisted drug story with plots and counter plots mixed with a sort of love triangle. It's very interesting, but has a number of flaws mainly in the too slick way some things are done. I must also say that I don't like the two phases ending, the narrative is a little weird at first, and some things are too predictable. However, the entertainment value is high.
  • Characters: Interesting, simple yet not too shallow.
  • Dialogs: Nothing impressive.
  • Scenario: Well paced, lots of action, a bit too smooth.
  • Actors: Bizarrely, the main roles are not done by the best actors. The better ones include Salma Hayek, John Travolta and Benicio Del Toro.
  • Photography: Nice.
  • Sound: Nice music and score.
  • Special effects: Nice.
  • Synopsis & information
  • Who is it for? Those looking for good entertainment who don't mind violence and blood.

This is not one of Oliver Stone's best production. A bit disappointing.