jeudi 7 mars 2013

Clerks. — Low budget debut movie of a cerebral director — 6*/10

Clerks. is a difficult movie to rate, because it's an acquired taste. Once you understand's Kevin Smith's sense of story telling and style of humor, then you'll appreciate his debut flick.

This piece presents to us seemingly unrelated life events in a day of two clerks. Their dialogs present facts of life in a basic yet articulate way with a slight ring of nerdy pot smokers.

It's black and white, with shaky camera shots, awkward angles, amateur acting, and seedy sets that scream low budget. Yet, the ideas and philosophy on display will make you think.

Overall, it entertaining, but to fully appreciate it, you better have a good Smith education, so start by watching Dogma, or Chasing Amy for the romantics, or even Mallrats for silly comedy lovers. If you like them, then you're ready for this film, and you will most likely enjoy it.
