jeudi 21 mars 2013

Die Another Day — Villains threatening the world, 007 to the rescue — 7*/10

Die Another Day is probably the best James Bond with Pierce Brosnan. It was an anniversary piece containing many cameos of past incarnations in the form of gadgets or scenes. Halle Berry plays a great and strong Bond girl. Rosamund Pike is not so bad either. Personally, I thought she was a good fit for her ice cold role. I think John Cleese as Q is totally hilarious, love it. Judi Dench is my favorite M.

The scope of the story was large enough to equal the best before it, so I gave it a slightly higher mark for that reason. Lots of one liners, including a one liner joke on one liners. Seduction, high stake, car chases, lots of fights and action. The scenario was interesting, if unimaginative. Of course, any Bond movie tries to fit the mold to rake in as many viewer as possible, and in that respect, it hit a bulls-eye.

If you want to see a good Bond movie, it's for you.
