mardi 19 février 2013

Life of Pi — Be transported on this adventure lost at sea — 9*/10

Life of Pi tells an incredible, or maybe unbelievable, story of a shipwrecked young Indian, by Ang Lee. Definitively a master piece of imagination and storytelling. You'll be captivated.

The 3D, considering the subject, is incredibly well done. No mistake at all there. It is mostly invisible, yet it will take you breath away on a number of occasion, and it helps you dive in to this marvelous adventure.

Nothing to criticize on this movie, everything is done extremely well. The "tell me your story" part is sort of weak and an over used plot strategy, but it works here. The subject matter might not be interesting to all, but it can be enjoyed by all. Open your heart, your mind, and your imagination to this tale, and  you won't regret it.

A must see. The preview doesn't do it credit.
